To My Dear Dead Husband Tom........


To My Dead Husband Tom,

Why were you so against insurance? You always chuckled and laughed that you would never die and I would just remarry. Well guess what? You died one year later! It’s now two years later, all our money is gone and I have some real physical and mental challenges.

I am left with our daughter Susan, NO HOME, working two jobs, and bills coming from everywhere.  The doctor bills for your heart attack alone were in excess of $90,000.

The fun and laughter is now gone and we are really hurting! When I really think about it, I believe I am as much to blame as you are. I should have opened my mind and imagined the alternative picture that my Financial Planner was painting. Instead I chose to laugh about it and assumed it would never happen to us.

The joke is on me! I am not remarried and most likely will not get married ever again. When someone dies it is amazing the sorrow and pain that comes to the surface.

I want to let you know that I now have a policy on myself, and I make sure it is the first bill paid. If something ever happens to me, I want Susan to be protected. You know what kills me the most? For approximately  $650 a year, we could have been protected.
